Retaining millenial employees
June 28, 2023
Ariel D. Weindling

Complaints about millennials in the workplace have been common since their generation first entered professional life, as their expectations for work culture and their behavior are sharply different from that of the Baby Boomers and Gen X. It’s become increasingly clear, however, that efforts to mold millennials to fit yesterday’s paradigms are doomed to failure. Millennials, made up of those born between 1980 and 1994, are the largest living group today worldwide with an estimated 1.8 billion members as of 2021. To effectively manage them and harness their strengths, it’s essential to understand what they value in a work environment.

Understanding Millennials

Many employers have learned, to their chagrin, that millennials will not stick around in a role they find dissatisfying. According to Gallup, their reputation for job-hopping is well earned, with a turnover cost to the U.S. economy of $30.5 billion annually. The report notes that key among the potential reasons millennials leave a position is low engagement in the workplace, because “[w]hile millennials can come across as wanting more and more, the reality is that they just want a job that feels worthwhile—and they will keep looking until they find it.”

To inspire loyalty in millennial workers, you must understand their unique characteristics in the workplace. First, they are technological natives. They all grew up using computers, and they prefer email, texting, and messaging to phone calls or face-to-face meetings. The benefit is that they are ready and willing to adopt new technology and apps, but be aware that their expectations for an employer’s support of technology are also high.

Millennials also value work-life balance. Salary and title are of less importance to them than flexible hours or the ability to spend time with friends and family. After all, many of them witnessed their parents lose their jobs during the Great Recession after investing years of long hours and deferred family time, so they are not willing to go down the same path. This does not mean they don’t hold themselves accountable for being productive, but they are more likely to judge their performance by results achieved rather than hours logged in behind their desk.

Most importantly, however, millennials want engagement and transparency. They want to feel like part of a team, even if they’re working remotely. They want to know what’s going on in an organization, and they want to have a voice within that organization. When they are heard, they will put their considerable ambition and talent to work on the company’s behalf. If, on the other hand, they’re shut out of collaboration and decision-making with a “need to know” style of communication, they’re likely to look for other opportunities. They also want to learn and grow in their careers, so wise employers will give them a chance for further education and mentorship.

Speaking Up Safely

Millennials (and their younger Gen Z colleagues) expect to have a voice in another critical area: when issues arise in the workplace. If they do not have the freedom to speak up safely when problems with misconduct, harassment, or safety violations crop up, they won’t suffer in silence—they will simply move on to opportunities elsewhere. Their desire for transparency from their employers should also inform how investigations are handled. If they feel like they are being kept in the dark, it will erode trust and foster resentment.

NotMe Solutions’ integrated misconduct reporting and case management technology is the ideal system for giving tech-savvy millennials and Gen Z employees the ability to report safely. Our reporting app is designed to be used quickly and easily from a phone, tablet, or computer, putting the means to speak up at their fingertips. The decision to speak up anonymously or with their names is always in their hands, and their personal information remains strictly confidential until (or if) they choose to reveal it.

Equally important is what happens to reports after they’re submitted. #NotMe’s case management system, powered by our proprietary AI system developed in-house, enables efficient investigation and helps to quickly identify possible patterns of misconduct and systemic concerns. Report management tools facilitate communication and the gathering of evidence, all while maintaining a clear audit trail that documents the progress of any investigation. Ultimately, this transparency and accountability demonstrates your organization’s commitment to upholding the standards of workplace conduct you set.

To find out more about how #NotMe can help you create the kind of workplace experience that fosters trust with millennials, keeping them inspired, engaged, and committed to your company, contact us here today.

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Ariel D. Weindling, CEO and Founder of #NotMe

Ariel is a Los Angeles-based entrepreneur, a leading employment lawyer and an advocate for greater equality, safety, and transparency in the workplace. His passion for equality led him to create #NotMe: an app and AI-powered platform that gives all employees a safe, unbiased way to report workplace misconduct, while guiding employers to take swift and appropriate action.

Ariel has trained hundreds of employees on the subjects of sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying. After fifteen years handling a litany of cases involving harassment and discrimination and watching instances of workplace misconduct constantly repeat themselves, Ariel realized that corporate America was in need of a major paradigm shift. As the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements continue to steamroll through the collective consciousness of America, Ariel, along with a team of high-profile advisors, found himself in a unique position to help turn these movements into action, thus he created #NotMe

Ariel has a vision of a world in which his own children will inherit a workplace environment that is safe and equal, allowing them to freely thrive while accomplishing their own dreams.

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