I am a father, husband, labor & employment lawyer (I am a proud member of the California Bar) and friend to many people from various religions, races and cultural beliefs. I decided back in 2017 when #MeToo started, to not only create a solution to help people speak up and report misconduct safely but also – perhaps more ambitiously – that would eliminate or substantially attenuate the impact of misconduct on our workplaces and communities.

During my legal career, I have witnessed first hand how traumatizing it can be for people who are victims of bullying, sexual harassment and corporate power plays. Handling misconduct is also not easy for management that can never seem to bring its best face forward. Things needed to change. #NotMe was born and I decided to create a platform that will provide a mechanism for people to report misconduct safely and for management to review and timely address each issue with the respect it deserves.

Ariel D. Weindling, Esq.,
Founder & CEO of NotMe Solutions

I also decided to use my expertise as an employment lawyer to (i) invent not only new tech tools to help people speak up but also (ii) reinvent the speak-up experience and how organizations investigate and respond to misconduct. The goal was to make it as frictionless and as easy as possible for people to speak up and for leaders in charge of investigating and responding to those reports to do it easily and efficiently.

Our SaaS solution breaks down barriers to reporting, allows to get to the root cause of problems faster, reduces liability for organizations and creates a win-win for all. I personally dislike cumbersome processes. The entire architecture of #NotMe is based on simplicity and ease of use.

Our philosophy on “speak up” and/or whistleblowing is pretty simple.

  • Employees and people in general are adults. Organizations must treat them as such.
  • Empowered individuals make the right decisions. Safety for an organization is a by-product of their people being or feeling safe.
  • An employer has the right to demand and expect good performance from its employees.
  • Transparency and accountability matter.

#NotMe (scroll down to read more about the choice of this polarizing name) since its inception has helped thousands of individuals speak up. It has also as a result made many companies and organizations in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe safer.

Our speak up platform is great because it is used and trusted by people when it is time for them to speak up and report.

Our clients like, appreciate and share this philosophy (see our reviews on G2 here).

Become #NotMe Certified today, I promise you one thing, it will change your organization for the better. For real.

How It Works

  • For Individuals
  • For Organizations

Download App

Download our easy and intuitive #NotMe Web App and Mobile Apps. Mobile Apps available on iOS and Android.

Speak Up

Anytime, anywhere. Easily submit your report in 3 minutes or less, anonymously if preferred.

Receive Support

A team member will connect with you to discuss your situation and work toward resolution.


Make the commitment to say #NotMe to misconduct and #NotMe to silencing issues that matter in your organization.


Tailor your organization's #NotMe app to fit your particular industry and culture, as well as share on-going relevant news and communication.


Roll out is easy, requires none of your tech resources and - by its mere presence - is an immediate deterrent of bad behavior.

Why the name, #NotMe?

The power in saying…

  • #NotMe, I won’t be a victim and not report it.
  • #NotMe, I won’t be a witness and not report it.
  • #NotMe, I won’t be an organization that sweeps misconduct under the rug.

The time is now to be innovative and proactive in affecting behavior change. We invite you to join us.

Reverse the Trends

Benefits to Implementing #NotMe

  • Demonstrates that your organization doesn’t tolerate misconduct of any kind, increasing both physical and psychological safety for all.
  • Elevates your organization’s culture, moving the needle from awareness to action and accountability.
  • Once adopted, your organization will receive a certified #NotMe Culture badge that can be showcased in both internal and external communications to show you’ve taken an actionable step toward behavior change, and that your organization is committed to the #NotMe code of conduct.
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